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Multi-agency chronology (MAC)

What is a chronology?

A chronology is a tool used to list significant events in a child or young person’s life in date order, starting from birth (or sometimes before). It includes both positive changes and achievements.

When to Use a Chronology

  • Structuring Information: Helps organize information when working with children and families.
  • Decision Making: Assists in making informed decisions by providing a clear overview of significant events.
  • Identifying Patterns: Useful for spotting patterns and understanding the impact of events on a child’s development.

Key Features of a Chronology

  • Concise and Relevant: Should be brief and include only significant information.
  • Updated Regularly: Must be kept current with new events.
  • Factual: Should record factual information without opinions or judgments.

What to Include

  • Significant Events: Professional judgment is needed to decide what events are significant and relevant.
  • Summary of Events: Include a summary rather than detailed descriptions.
  • Purpose-Specific Details: The level of detail may vary depending on the purpose, such as for a Child Protection Conference

For further information on chronologies please see: