Videos and Resources
Oxfordshire Child Neglect Learning Videos
Effectively tackling neglect requires curiosity, persistence, determination and a focus on the lived experience of the child.
Oral Health for children: This session has been created to support families with key at home routines to prevent common oral health issues.
Multi agency support for the cost of living crisis webinar
This video provides factual information to frontline practitioners undertaking visits with families.
LSCB Neglect
Michelle’s Story is a 15-minute animation tells the story of Michelle and her experience of neglect as she was growing up.
Rethinking Did Not Attend
Rethinking DNA is a two-minute animation and was created to encourage practitioners to identify children as ‘Was Not Brought’ instead of ‘Did Not Attend’ when they miss appointments. Although aimed at medical professionals, this principle applies for all appointments, including attendance at school.
NHS Nottingham City CCG have commissioned a video animation called Missing Appointments Matter which is aimed at raising awareness about the consequences of missing appointments and to ensure that children and adults get the medical care that they need. A subtitled version of the video is also available here.
The animation is a follow-on from the ‘Rethinking Did Not Attend’ video which acted as a powerful reminder that children do not take themselves to appointments, and for practitioners to reflect on the impact of missed appointments on a child’s wellbeing.
NSPCC Neglect Pages
Additional information and resources can be found on the NSPCC Neglect pages Protecting children from neglect | NSPCC Learning