Escalation, resolving professional concerns and disagreements
Effective working together depends on an open approach and honest relationships between agencies. Problem solving and resolution is an integral part of professional co-operation and joint working to safeguard children.
Transparency, openness and a willingness to understand and respect individual and agency views are a core aspect of multi-agency / inter-agency working. However, there may be occasions where individuals / agencies disagree on how best to keep children safe and promote their welfare. Disagreements can arise in a number of areas, but are most likely to arise around:
- Perceived levels of risk
- Levels of need and whether a concern has met the threshold for a service or intervention
- Roles and responsibilities
- Level or quality of communication/ information sharing
- Provision of services
- Action or lack of action progressing plans
- Cases being / not being stepped up or down and / or closed
The OSCB is clear that there must be respectful challenge whenever a professional or agency has a concern about the action or inaction of another. The aim must be to resolve a professional disagreement at the earliest possible stage, using the Escalation: Resolving Professional Concerns and Disagreements Policy (RESOLVE), always keeping in mind that the child’s safety and welfare is paramount.